The Following Parishes May Register for Region II Science & Engineering Fair:
Bienville, Claiborne, Jackson, Lincoln, Union,Winn.
Region II Science and Engineering Fairs
Tuesday, January 29, 2019--Elementary Division (Grades 3-5)
Wednesday, January 30, 2019--Junior (Grades 6-8) and Senior (Grades 9-12) Divisions
Event Schedule
8:30am-9:30am Project Setup/Display & Safety Checks--Student Union
9:30am Judging begins--Each exhibitor must be present until judging ends
Noon-1:00pm Public Viewing & Lunch on your own
1:00pm Awards Ceremony
Important Information
*Fair Fees--
Elementary--$10.00 Individual project, $15.00 team project
Junior and Senior --$15.00 individual project, $20.00 team project
*Registration: Complete online registration by January 8, 2019. Click the link below
Region II Science and Engineering Fair Registration
*Payments: Checks or Money Orders only must be made out to Region II Science and Engineering
Fair/Louisiana Tech University no cash.
One check or money order per school for all projects entered. Due no later than
January 8, 2019.
*Entry forms: All Forms and other paper work are due by Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Mail to:
Louisiana Tech University, Attention: Bryan McCoy University Box 0
Region II Science and Engineering Fair
P.O. Box 3163
Ruston, LA 71272
Or Hand Delivered in a labeled envelope to:
Bryan McCoy
Room 203
Woodard Hall
Attention: Bryan McCoy
*A school representative from each school must be present the day of the fair to supervise students
*The Region II Science and Engineering Fair and the Louisiana State Science and Engineering Fair
follow all rules and guidelines established by the ISEF. Please refer to the ISEF website.
*It is the participants responsibility to make sure the correct forms (ISEF) are completed and submitted
for judging. Please refer to the ISEF website.